COVID-19 Updates – Current Surges, Paxlovid and Immune Support
The change in season seems to bring a new wave of COVID cases. And that certainly holds true to what we are seeing in office. Every day we are receiving emails and calls from patients, friends, and family members that are getting COVID either for the first time or repeat infections. Over the past 7 days, King County has seen a 4% increase in reported daily cases and a 10% increase in hospitalizations . The number of cases in March was down to an average of about 175 daily and is currently over 1,000 new cases daily in King County.1 Luckily, many of these new cases are mild and not requiring people to seek immediate medical care or hospitalization.
Paxlovid for COVID-19 Treatment
We are getting daily questions about Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID. Paxlovid is a combination of two anti-viral medications packaged together with 3 pills taken twice daily for 5 days. It was granted an Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA in December for treatment of individuals with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 at high risk for developing severe disease. Paxlovid works by stopping the viruses ability to divide and spread. It also inhibits a major enzyme in the liver, CYP3A4, which is responsible for the metabolism of many medicines, hormones, and other endogenous compounds. Paxlovid can interfere with medications and cause toxicity to the liver. It is not recommended in patients with severe kidney or liver impairment. Medication and supplement interactions should be reviewed with your provider prior to taking Paxlovid.
Recently, the CDC issued a health advisory warning of COVID-19 rebound after taking Paxlovid. This is consistent to what we have been seeing in patients who take Paxlovid. People that experience rebound COVID symptoms report feeling well while taking Paxlovid, but 2-8 days after taking the medication will start to feel sick again. If this occurs, please let the prescribing doctor know right away, as we are reporting these instances to the FDA to help compile data on the medication. If you experience rebound symptoms you should again isolate for at least 5 days, ending isolation after 5 days and no fever for at least 24 hours. There are reports of spread of COVID in individuals with rebound symptoms, though the risk of transmission during rebound versus initial infection is not known.
As of now – there is no evidence to suggest that Paxlovid is an effective treatment for Long COVID symptoms (more on that to come).
Immune Support for COVID-19
Immune support can decrease the duration and severity of acute respiratory tract infections by supporting the immune system response and regulating inflammation.3
- Vitamin C – Stimulates white blood cell production and function. More effective when taken with zinc.
- Zinc – Required for healthy immune system function including development and function of immune cells.
- Vitamin D – Regulates the immune function, increases the development of specialized white blood cells.
- Quercetin – Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune modulating and anticoagulant (reduces clots) 4
- NAC – Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune modulating. Acts to support liver detoxification. Clears mucus.
- EGCG – From green tea. Increases zinc absorption which helps reduce the cell division of many RNA viruses.
- Andrographis – Anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory. Regulates inflammation and stimulates cells that fight viruses.
Note- not all dosing is safe for every population, special consideration should be taken if pregnant, breastfeeding, or in patients with chronic health conditions. Check with your doctor before taking vitamins and herbal products.
If you have questions about a recent COVID-19 infection, or use of treatments for them, schedule a brief appt with one of our on-site physicians.
- Covid-19 summary dashboard. COVID-19 summary dashboard – King County. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2022
- This is an official CDC Health Advisory. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2022
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) naturopathic protocol: HealthMasters naturopath Kevin Tresize nd. HealthMasters. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2022
- Mbikay, M., & Chrétien, M. (2022). Isoquercetin as an Anti-Covid-19 Medication: A Potential to Realize. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13